1x.com: the best photography in the world in one place.

More than 110 of my images have received awards in this gallery, more than 250 have been published, from a very realistic calculation I believe…

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Giorno della Memoria, 27 gennaio 2024. Michele Gazich: “La Gerusalemme Interiore”, con le immagini di Giovanni Cavalli.

Auditorium San Barnaba, Brescia

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New pictures from Odisha and Telangana!

My project Photography + Dentistry Teching= Meet People has new contents.

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A new great journey!

A new journey, meeting people, teaching dentistry and also photography!More about my project Photography + Dentistry Teaching= Meet People here: https://giovannicavalli.eu/projects/photography-dentistry-meet-people/

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Daniela Pes

Giovanni, ti ringrazio dal profondo per le tue parole e per questi 3 scatti che trovo davvero profondi. Davvero belli, Grazie mille! Ti mando un grande…

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Festival della fotografia etica di Lodi. Presentazione del progetto “Documento di viaggio”. 1 ottobre 2023

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Il progetto ‘Documento di viaggio’ in anteprima al Festival della Fotografia Etica a Lodi, dal 30 settembre al 29 agosto, Museo della Stampa, Via della Costa, 4, Lodi

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New images from my August 2023 tour in Sardinia: Nulvi, Sant’Anna Arresi, Santadi, Nuoro, Sant’Antioco.

Find out more in the collection “Sardinian traditions: ash or fire?”

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Numerous new images have received awards recently on this fantastic curated photography gallery 1X.com . Take a look!


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La Gerusalemme interiore. Sabato 6 maggio 2023, Roma

Musica, fotografia e parola si incontrano sulla strada verso una «Gerusalemme interiore», attraverso un crocevia di storie e di suggestioni che portano lontano, nella memoria…

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An interesting article, they reported my wonderful experience in Timkat of Gondar


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An evening about art

A short video of the friend @belotti55 about the speech in Flero on art and photography

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Aeternum Vol.1, a wonderful book

The new book of 100Asa with some of my works. https://100asa.com/books/aeternum-vol-1

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An evening of photography and more …

GIOVEDI’ 20 OTTOBRE 2022 ore 21:00 – Palazzo Loda Calzaveglia, Flero, Brescia La mia professione medica, che mi ha regalato molte gratificazioni e riconoscimenti, non ha…

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Some Thoughts on Fine Art Photography

Very honoured to be part of the significative fine art photograper group! by Editor Lourens Durand Edited and published by Yvette Depaepe, the 16th of September 2022 https://1x.com/magazine/permalink/9445

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An interesting interview by Vicente Dolz

… I have been living a very intense professional life in the medical field of dentistry, a part of which is dedicated to teaching and…

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‘Travel Document’

Take a look … Where will it be exposed? We are working for a great exhibition. https://www.lensculture.com/projects/1642018-travel-documents Project Statement “Faces as documents bearing inscriptions of…

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Artistic Taste and Style, an article by Wicher Bos

In this days it was published a very intersting article about “Artistic Taste and Style”, written by Wicher Bos on 1X Magazine. Look at it…

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Ars Vulgaris – “Untold Cities”: (my) cover and booklet

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SCHWARZWEISS magazine 140/2021

“Giovanni Cavalli is a doctor who has worked all over the world with people he has met, including in the course of his work. This…

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Printed on Hahnemüle Paper

Limited Edition Prints, 100 Prints Per Image. On the 100ASA Gallery shop, you can find a lot of my photographs ready to print. https://100asa.com/shop

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Curator and critic on 100ASA

What is 100ASA? 100ASA is an online photo gallery, but different from others you have seen. They write: “We don’t allow photographers to upload whatever…

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Coming soon … February 2021

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Sardinian workshop February 2020, just before Covid lockdown …

I had the honor and the pleasure of leading a group of photographers to the Sardinian carnivals … we had some incredible and wonderful days…

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Tigray & Lalibela. January 2020

A short trip in Ethiopia, limited to the Tigray region and Lalibela. People, women, men, children, animals crossed my way.

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Last places available for the workshop “Sardinian Carnival 2020”

Lula, Mamoiada, Sartiglia ad Oristano, Ovodda, il Carnevale anarchico, 22-27 February 2020 http://giovannicavalli.eu/portfolio/workshops-lectures/

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Canti di speranza

Fresco di stampa! Una raccolta di poesie che scorrono dal 1984 al 2017. Visioni, immagini, dolori, speranze, canto. Appunti di vita, in poesia, puntualmente annotati…

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Sardinian Carnival, a Photographic Trip

For those interested, I am going to be the guide of a PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNEY “CARNIVAL IN SARDINIA”, from the 20th to the 24th of February,…

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The Politician from Lombarda

C’era una volta oggi un uomo-politicante che scende da Lombarda a Roma.Si imbatte in un altro uomo, lasciato mezzo morto per strada da ladroni senza…

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Instagram & 1x.com

First page for the days 26th and 27th July 2019

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An Interview

Shades of Grey Magazine N.15, 2018 https://shadesofgreymagazine.com/product/shades-of-grey-magazine-n15/ -What led you to travel and street portrait photography? Travel is always an adventure of knowledge. I love traveling…

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The new work by Raoul Moretti, the “unconventional harpist”, is now available. In a very rich booklet a lot of my pictures … https://www.ibs.it/isolamenti-cd-raoul-moretti/e/8012786921624

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Francesco Saiu is the Endorsement of Cortez Guitars; ph. G. Cavalli

Francesco Saiu received the prestigious Endorsement award for the Spanish guitars Salvador Cortez; my images will accompany their advertisements!

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New pictures …

From India tour for Kumbha Mela gathering More pictures in COLLECTIONS

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(My) Pictures for the Wall

My images for sale on: 1x.com https://1x.com/search?q=Giovanni+Cavalli

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Waterline 20

Waterline 20 Venezia, mattina città di favola sogni colori, passato e presente, turisti rapiti da smartphone alla ricerca della via tra acqua e terraferma. Vago, scansandoli disturbato, ma appartengo al coro. Perché voler essere sempre…

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(My) Michele Gazich CD cover photo on “Civiltà Cattolica”


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